New Year=New Adventures!!!

Hey ya'll!

So we have been pretty busy lately, and even though it seems like we've been neglecting the blog, we've actually been researching some upcoming posts.

Just a quick update on all things Taiwan and Meyers. We are putting the final touches on our program of the new camp. Construction is just about finished, and we'll use the week before Chinese New Year to work on the landscaping and classrooms of our new school. The school itself is pretty amazing, and we're so lucky to get a brand new, million dollar outdoor school to teach little Taiwan kids about the wonders of nature. Along with outdoor skills, the kids will be learning English, teambuiding, good old American humor, and how to have fun just in case they don't know how.

We just got our last two team members, Steve and Shannon, who we knew in Tennessee, and they bring a plethora of knowledge to the table from their baackgrounds in organic gardening and outdoor skill facilitation.

So our big personal project right now (besides handsewing curtains and baking bread-i'm turning into a 50's housewife), we are planning our Chinese New Year, which hopefully will include a trip around Malaysia and Thailand. Rumors have it that Thailand is a big kiteboarding destination and I have determined that it's our responsibility to find out.

We thought about staying in Taiwan over CNY but have been told that it's actually quite boring since everyone travels to the south and middle of the country to see family and apparantly there's little food in the stores, restaurants, shopping and theaters close down, and there's not a lot to do with no one working. Cool for the Taiwanese, but probably not an idea travel situation for us.

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